New contract for the Grand Paris Express!

Société du Grand Paris has awarded the Intencités15 consortium* (VINCI Construction Grands Projets, lead contractor) the first design-build contract for line 15 (western section) of the Grand Paris Express, the largest urban mobility project currently underway in Europe.

Artelia issues “Energy for a low-carbon world”

As independent players in the energy sector, we wanted to clarify our position and commitments in relation to the two major challenges facing our energy system today: decarbonisation and securing supplies.

Artelia publishes its 2022 extra-financial performance report!

To respond to the rapid environmental and social changes taking place, Artelia has revised its CSR policy commitments upwards for 2025. Structured around 4 pillars, it is now broken down into 20 tangible objectives that echo the company’s raison d’être: designing solutions for a positive life.